The Lake Winnipesaukee Association (LWA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the water quality and natural resources of Lake Winnipesaukee and its watershed. Through monitoring, education, stewardship, and using science-guided approaches for lake management, LWA works to ensure Winnipesaukee’s scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, water quality and recreational potential continues to provide enjoyment long into the future.
Our Mission: To protect the water quality and natural resources of Lake Winnipesaukee and its watershed now and for future generations.
Our Vision: Lake Winnipesaukee is a magnificent resource enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people each year. Its stunning setting and clean water provides swimming, boating, and fishing enjoyment to all who live, work, or play here, and is a critical foundation of our local economy. Protecting the lake requires well-managed watersheds that include native forests and abundant wildlife, with an active and informed community of residents and visitors acting as stewards for the lake.
Lake Winnipesaukee’s clear and clean waters are beautiful, yet also under threat from stormwater runoff, invasive plant and animal species, nutrient loading, and more. As the lead protector of the lake, the LWA works to identify threats to water quality, and to mitigate impacts from current and future sources of pollution.
We envision a lake that each year is cleaner, supports abundant wildlife and fisheries, is treated with respect by all who enjoy it, and is sustainable for generations to come.
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